Shengjin Lake National Nature Reserve Management Planning belongs to the project “To strengthen the effective management of Anhui Wetland Protection Zones”. It is one of the 5th phase projects of GEF. This project is up to now the largest project of biodiversity conservation in China and is also the largest international cooperation project in wetland conservation in Anhui province.
Combined with projects carried out before, we use data collection, field investigation, community opinion survey and other means to carry out the evaluation of the status of protection and management of the protected areas. Based on analyzing problems, threats limiting factors and stakeholders, reserve, the existing problems in reserve management were summarized. We put forward long-term development goals for reserve. By setting up and gradually implement phased short-term management goals. According to the short-term goals, different kinds of action plans will be formulated.
This management plan has seven important aspects including existing natural resources protection, implementing wetland restoration projects, effectively carrying out scientific research and monitoring work, improving the management capacity of reserve management, developing the science education popularization, actively carrying out community co-management, cooperation for external support, to strengthen effective management of Shengjin Lake nature reserve. This plan will guide the management of the reserve from 2018 to 2022 to achieve the phrase goal of in master plan, to ensure the reasonable distribution of human resources, natural resources and financial resources, and promote the smooth implementation of the project.